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MORryde fifth wheel hitch Private Seller

4 years ago Parts & Misc  Clarkesville, GA 331 Views 0 Watching
State or Province:GA
City: Clarkesville
Type of Sale:Private
Listed:4 years ago
Price : $500

We just removed this fifth wheel pin box from our brand new North Point. It was used to tow about 15 miles, that s it! It is the MORryde 1621HD 05, with an 18,000 lb rating. MORryde brand is known for being very well built and smooth to tow with. These sell for 700 brand new.

We are willing to consider meeting for delivery toward Atlanta, or west through Tennessee. Cash only please. Message me with any additional questions. Thanks!

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Public Discussion about this ad - MORryde fifth wheel hitch


Revision Date: 2021-05-24 20:32:55
By User: J and P
Revised Field: ip_addr

Old Value New Value

Revision Date: 2021-05-24 20:32:55
By User: J and P
Revised Field: lat

Old Value New Value
30.8327 34.609471

Revision Date: 2021-05-24 20:32:55
By User: J and P
Revised Field: lon

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-83.2785 -83.523099

Revision Date: 2021-05-24 20:32:55
By User: J and P
Revised Field: city_id

Old Value New Value
4228147 10112788

Revision Date: 2021-05-24 20:32:55
By User: J and P
Revised Field: price

Old Value New Value
600.00 500.00

Revision Date: 2021-05-24 20:32:55
By User: J and P
Revised Field: description

Old Value New Value
<p>We just removed this fifth wheel pin box from our brand new North Point. It was used to tow about 15 miles, that s it! It is the MORryde 1621HD 05, with an 18,000 lb rating. MORryde brand is known for being very well built and smooth to tow with. These sell for 700 brand new.</p><p>We are willing to consider meeting for delivery north toward Atlanta, or south toward Orlando. Cash only please. Message me with any additional questions. Thanks!<br /></p> <p>We just removed this fifth wheel pin box from our brand new North Point. It was used to tow about 15 miles, that s it! It is the MORryde 1621HD 05, with an 18,000 lb rating. MORryde brand is known for being very well built and smooth to tow with. These sell for 700 brand new.</p><p>We are willing to consider meeting for delivery toward Atlanta, or west through Tennessee. Cash only please. Message me with any additional questions. Thanks!<br /></p>
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